Medical Imaging Devices

Precise diagnosis and clinically accurate imaging with SternMed devices

Operation Room Devices

Optimized OR workplace for efficient surgical procedures with SternMed devices

ICU & Patient care devices

Accurate and reliable ICU medical equipment from SternMed

Medical Devices for Healthcare Turnkey Projects

We at SternMed believe that “having access to a proper healthcare is the right of every human kind all over the world and – we make it possible.”

At SternMed, we prioritize assessing the needs of your healthcare project beyond offering our medical devices. We aim to provide a comprehensive solution that serves your budget, timeline, and technical requirements to enhance your patients’ well-being.

Together, we make it possible

Our medical devices

Medical Imaging

Medical Imaging

SternMed‘s magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography ( CT scan) and other x-ray devices along with ultrasound system provide a comprehensive portfolio of complete hard & software solutions tailored for global imaging needs

OR Solutions

OR Solutions

OR Solutions from SternMed, including anesthesia unitssurgical tables, electrosurgical unit and surgical lights, are designed to support clinicians worldwide to provide health care for their patients.

Doctor with Patient

Patient Care

SternMed provides patient care devices like patient monitors, infusion and syringe pumps and medical ventilators, to support clinicians in giving exceptional patient care to their patients.


We have purchased the SONOS 12 Ultrasound scanner from SternMed in September 2021 and have used it since then to our fullest satisfaction.

We are happy to recommend the product and the services.

Dr. med. M. Hartmann,

Specialist in General Medicine, Mannheim

We have purchased the Syringe Pump SPN 58 in July 2022 and have used it since then to our fullest satisfaction.

Dr. med. Christian Bahls

Specialist in Nuclear Medicine, Practice for nuclear medicine, Brandenburg

We have purchased 3 sets of Monitors of the MACS series in February 2022 and have used them since then to our fullest satisfaction. Although we did not experience any problems with the monitors, the supplying company SternMed GmbH takes great care and is in regular contact with us to ensure the devices are functioning properly.

Dr. Thomas Kempmann

Specialist in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Medizinisches Ambulatorium, Heiden